Luke Skywalker - ANH

modellbauberts favorite stume

Leia Organa - ANH

shinzos dress for "diplomatic missions"

Luke Skywalker - ANH Stormtrooper

since modellbauberts childhood till today

Luke Skywalker - ANH X-Wing

modellbauberts X-Wing-Luke Outfit

Luke Skywalker - ESB Bespin

modellbauberts Bespin Outfit

Luke Skywalker - ESB


modellbauberts Dagobah Outfit

Luke Skywalker - ROTJ

modellbauberts Luke Ep VI Outfit

Leia Organa - ROTJ

visiting Endor

Aayla Secura - AOTC

shinzo is going blue ^^

Rey - TFA

shinzos Ep VII Ending Outfit

Lightsaber Luke - ANH

modellbauberts Belt and Lightsaber

Lightsaber Luke - ESB

another Graflex Lightsaber

Lightsaber Luke - ROTJ

100% selfmade Project

Lightsaber Mara Jade

100% selfmade Lightsaber

Lightsaber Aayla Secura

coming soon

Blastech E-11

Two versions: 100% selfmade and my Sterling one


Lukes Blaster from Episode 5

DDC Defender

Princess Leias Blaster

LPA-NN 14 /Rey's Blaster

100% selfmade stainless steel Blaster

Yoda (Lukes backpack)

Because it's always helpful to have

an old Jedi Master on your back

Grappling Hook

Stormtrooper accessoire selfmade by modellbaubert

back in 2001

modellbauberts first Lightsaber Video effects

Star Wars Celebration 2013

Video modellbaubert Kika Live

Jedi-Con 2014

Meeting the german voices of Leia and Luke

Secret Cinema

visiting Tatooine 2015

Galaxy's Edge

Disneyland Anaheim october 2019


visiting the forest planet october 2019

Saberproject Shooting

Star Wars Magazine

An article about us in the german

official Star Wars magazine

Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    Michael Knaup (Montag, 31 Oktober 2022 17:29)

    Hallo, ich gratuliere zu der tollen und vielfältigen Perfomance! Ich würde sehr gerne eine Yoda Hand Puppe bauen und wäre sehr dankbar für Infos sowie Kontaktadressen zu Jemanden von dem ich einen Yoda-Silikon-Kopf Abguss beziehen kann! Machtvollr Grüße von Michael aus Essen